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MarketWatch: “Aurora Cannabis reverses early losses, but Tilray turns lower in afternoon trade”

By datatrekresearch in IN THE NEWS MarketWatch: “Aurora Cannabis reverses early losses, but Tilray turns lower in afternoon trade”

Excerpt from MarketWatch quoting DataTrek's Jessica Rabe:

..."Scientists in Canada have made progress in their efforts to map the cannabis genome, according to a recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, as reported by Jessica Rabe, co-founder of DataTrek Research. That means that growers will be able to use DNA analyses to screen seedlings for therapeutic or medicinal properties, instead of waiting for plants to mature.

“Within three years… none of the plants that we’re growing currently will continue to be produced, and there will be unbelievable new varieties as a result of marker-assisted hybridization and trait-based selection,” said Jeremy Plum at Prūf Cultivar in Portland, as cited by Rabe.

It will also allow growers come up with new strains that are more resistant to disease"...

Read the full article here on MarketWatch!

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