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Yahoo Finance: “Boeing is the most important stock in the U.S. markets”

By datatrekresearch in IN THE NEWS Yahoo Finance: “Boeing is the most important stock in the U.S. markets”

Excerpt from Yahoo Finance quoting DataTrek's Nick Colas:

.... "Apple? Alphabet? Nah. It’s actually aerospace giant Boeing (BA) that is the most important stock in the U.S. stock market, argues one strategist.

“It is hard to imagine a company more levered to long-term global economic trends than Boeing,” contends DataTrek co-founder Nicholas Colas. It’s hard to dispute that one.

Boeing derives about 56% of its sales internationally. China accounts for 14% of Boeing’s sales while Europe weighs in at 14% of the business. As the global economy goes, as goes Boeing more often than not"....

Read the full article here on Yahoo Finance!

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